Wednesday, April 27, 2011

NAPLAN Writing Prompt

It is cruel to keep animals in cages.

Over the years there have been many different topics debated among many people. Many of these have been decided upon and an agreement arranged, but one topic that has been around for along time, and that is still a reasonably heated debate is the topic of weather animals should be kept in cages. My opinion on this particular topic is what many people are pushing for, and that is that caging and imprisonment of these innocent animals whom are unwilling and have no greater justice and no voice to fight for basic rights is wrong.

Many animals and sometimes basically whole species are kept in cages for the vast majority of their lives. Birds in particular are caged their whole lives once in captivity. Their wings are clipped so they can't do the most basic instinct they have which is to fly. They have no choice, they have no voice against this, one false turn and their in the unmerciful hands of human kind. We as a race see birds as stereotypically in cages. every pet shop you walk into you hear the tweets from all directions we turn and we see ten of them in these tiny cages. They have no room to be able to spread their wings and move around freely, because they have no freedom. Caging these animals is basically imprisonment, we are imprisoning these defenseless animals as if they were criminals, as if they have done something wrong, but in all truth they have done nothing wrong, they are not vilions or criminlas, and these animals shouldn't be jailed as if they were.

Cages aren't neccaseraly what you may think they are. Many zoos keep their sea-life in fairly small tanks for the size of the animal enclosed in them. Most of the time it is for a good reason, such as recovery and healing from and injury or illness, but in a majority of places they keep their show animals in these significantly small tanks. Zoos are usually significantly better with keeping their animals than other places, and are always licensed to hold these animals as some other places are even registered. Zoos have many animals in cages which isn't good, but the way they store there larger animals is usually vastly better than the way they store their frogs, crocodiles, birds ect. In places like Melbourne they have zoos which keep their animals in wide open habitats which are basically fence-less. Places like these fence-less zoos are setting a good example on the rest of the world, and more places should be taking the same protocols to let their animals have some sense of freedom.

In conclusion I believe that animals shouldn't be held in cages. To many pets and wildlife are caged in for the majority of their lives, with their basic instincts and rights literary torn away from them. These animals have done nothing wrong, they should not be treated as another victim of our species justice system and kept as prisoners for our own amusement. All animals like us should have their own right to be free, and to live their lives how they want. It's wrong to imprison animals.

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