The story of Life is Beutiful is a story of a life that is ripped away from a man and a family is torn apart. Even though this is the basic story, it is presented an way that engages the audience into seeing it from a different perspective, almost in a humorous way. It taps into one of humanities darkest times, the holocaust. A time of death and barbarianism.
The story follows the life of a man named, Guido. He is a Jewish man living in Italia. He is a man who always sees the lighter side of life, and thrusts what he sees upon everybody he comes into contact with through humour. Guido is married to a woman named Dora, and is a father to a boy named, Joshua. Him and his family lived in Italia and ran a book store to earn there living, Dora was also a School teacher.
This story is set between early 1939 to late 1945. A time when the world was involved in a second mass war. The Germans had gone into debt trying to pay off the bill that world war one had left them with. In this time many banks were owned by jewish people, and the Germans blammed the Jews for their incredible debt. In this story Guido was a Jew, and as of this his sun Joshua was seen as a Jew as well. During this war, the Germans gathered up millions of Jewish people and sent them to concentrations camps, where they were forced to work and killed.
In this story of Life is Beatiful Guido and his son are taken by the German Nazis and taken to a concentration camp. Guidos' wife Dora is a catholic, but argues the Nazi officer to take her as well so she can be with her husband and son. Throughout there time there Guido never wants his son to know what a horrible place they are in, he doesn't want him to see a side of life so dark and cruel, so he tells him that it is all a game. Everything Guido does for his son during there time in the concentration camp he communicates with him so well that his son does exactly what he asks of him. In this story Guido life is eventually ripped away from him, leaving Joshua all by himself, until the war is over.
In conclusion the characters in Life is Beautiful share a connection to the audience in such a way that you almost feel there emotions and what they are going through. It engages you to think about the holocaust in such a way that you wouldn't normally think, that there is actually almost a level of "life" upon all the death and tragedy. This new perspective on this so one-sided topic is a revolutionary thing that I believe is what engages most of all with the audience and allows them to want to see what happens to this family that you can somewhat relate to and share there emotions and feelings.
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