Sunday, August 7, 2011

Boy in Striped PJ's - Chapter 1

  1.  Brunos voice is very demanding and fairly rude. ‘You take your hands off my things.’ Although he subcutaneously thought not to be rude or disrespectful
  2. Gretel- Is Brunos sister, she seems to be more overpowering and you can see that she probably finds her brother annoying
    Maria- the maid, knows her place in the house and doesn't talk back to Bruno or his family. She's quite aswell.
    Lars-The butler you don't get told much about him
    Father- Brunos father is a busy man and doesn't have alot of time for Bruno
    Bruno- Young, curiosity gets the better of him, behaves, is liked most in the famiy
    Mum- kind, red hair, seems to cry alot cries a lot,
  3. The victims could be seen as being Brunos family as they have to do and go where their fathers' job takes him. 
  4. Irony is used as Bruno has no clue what his father really does.
  5. The setting is presented with Brunos home. The Author describes everywere he goes and in turn describes the actual house aswell

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