Tuesday, March 8, 2011

3 idea topics for assessment speech

  1. Stem Cell Research: Benefits outweigh Ethics?

    Stem cell research is a brand new scientific idea were "using the epiblast tissue of the inner cell mass (ICM) of a blastocyst or earlier morula stage embryos. A blastocyst is an early stage embryo—approximately four to five days old in humans". Which basically means that they take a certain cell from the fertilized egg, which is around about 4 or 5 days old, which in turn kills the embryo. These stem cells can then be 'told' to become any living tissue in the body, which means someone missing a leg, or arm could grow it back through stem cell research. This is a very controversial topic, as to add meaning and help someone living, they have to kill a possible person. I believe that in the case as that it is going to help people to have better lives, that in return 'killing' a possible person isn't such a bad thing. This embryo that may turn into a human being hasn't really even started living, no fears, no knowledge, no memories, no emotions, in my opinion as it is a possible human being, i don't think it should be classified as 'killing', as 'Life' is defined by many sources, as 'the act of living, through actions and interactions of a human being' and i don't believe that these organisms can be defined as humans, in such we are using the material from another animal or organism to help the living present.
  2. Asylum-seekers: Should they be allowed in to Australia just because of the problems accouring in there own countries?

    In recent years many asylum-seekers have come to our countries shores seeking refuge from the poverty infested, or war bidding countries. These asylum seekers have traveled thousands of kilometers in cruddy little wooden boats filled with way over what would be believed to be a reasonable persons limit. Recently it has been released in 'The Australian' that nearly every asylum-seeker who's arrived in Australian waters during the past three years was granted refugee status, according to figures released under Freedom of Information laws. In my honest opinion i believe that these people no matter how far they've come or how far they've come, or how bad the situation is in there country, they should not just be aloud into Australia. They should have to apply for citizen ship, and go through all the same things that the people whom have come to this country legally have had to do.

  3. Smoking: Should cigarettes be made illegal to sell and have possession of?

    Today smoking kills thousands of people a year. It is an incedible burden to live with and once you start it's hard to stop. In my opinion I believe that all smoking should be made illegal. There is no benifit that comes from smoking, it is an incredibly bad drug, and should be made illegal like all the others. The government are using the taxes from all these tabaco and ciggerete companies, and this is the only reason why it is not an illegal substance at this moment. If the government were seosable, they would ban Cigeretes and make the people in there country safer and healthier.

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